Brief information about the company

Uzbekistan has its own school and traditions of ancient agriculture, it is considered a country of real craftsmen who, if necessary, can extract gold from the dust.
According to ancient sources, cotton growing came to us 2000 BC, and the process of primary processing of cotton arose at about the same time.
Processing of raw cotton, cleaning, separation of fiber from seeds, production of cotton wool and fiber appeared simultaneously with the agricultural technology of cotton cultivation. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this was done in the most primitive way, using the simplest tools: chigir, charkh, devgarh, yig, spinning wheels.
One of the main goals of Royal Russia in Central Asia is to seize more fertile lands for the cultivation of cotton in order to provide their textile factories with raw materials. Previously, traders and industrialists of tsarist Russia initially limited themselves to buying refined cotton at the markets. To ensure the development of production, early ripening varieties of medium staple cotton were brought to our country from Mexico, and this prompted the construction of numerous factories and the formation of large cotton associations.
312, Dilkusho str, Bukhara city, 200103