Direction: poultry farming.
Location: Bukhara region, Kagansky district, SSG Saraen.
Total area: 18,56 hectares.
Number of employees: 28 people.
Poultry population: 36 700 head of poultry.
Characteristics: it has an annual capacity for growing 180 000 heads of egg-bearing birds, as well as 50000 heads of chickens.
Other data: 18 000 heads of 90-day-old chicks were bred and distributed to the population. During the 3rd quarter of 2022, 3 500 000 eggs were produced.
“Bukhara pedigree poultry” LLC
Address: Bukhara pedigree poultry.
Phone: +998 91 446-00-33, +998 93-4741555
Director: Istam Kamolovich Zhakhanov