Product samples
Direction: production of woven and knitted products.
Draft general plan of the enterprise
Location: Bukhara region, Vabkent district.
Total area: 58 hectares.
Building area: 157,700 m^2.
Number of employees: at the first stage - 1846 people; at the second stage - 7000 people.
Characteristics: annual capacity – dyeing 6052 tons of yarn and 3791 tons fabrics, production of 29,602 tons of yarn, 7855 tons of knitted fabric, 1.5 million pieces of women's tights, 6.7 million finished garments, 19.1 million meters of fabric.
Technological Equipment: from companies in Japan and European countries.
Investment amount: 158.1 million euros.
Partners: GEZE Consulting company (Germany).
Product samples
Product samples
“Bukhara Global Megatex” LLC
Address: Bukhara region, Vabkent district.
Phone: +998 98-2740060, +998 91-4070801, +998 90-4137032
Director: Sultanov Kamal Bobomuradovich