Agrocluster's activities
about the organization of the livestock complex of "Bukhara Agrocluster Chorva" LLC.

LLC "Bukhara Agro Cluster" is working to organize the activities of a livestock complex in the Karavulbozor district of the Bukhara region in the framework of the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 14, 2019 No. 500 "On measures to create a modern agricultural cluster in the Bukhara region."
This complex is designed for 1000 head of cattle. Automation of the entire technological process “SHY Dan. Met. Kim. San. Teak. LLC Ste. ". (Turkey).
The total cost of the project is $ 4.2 million.
As part of this process, state-of-the-art systems for feeding, milking, climate control, etc. will be installed, which will increase production.
The khokimiyat of the Karavulbozor region allocated 400 hectares of land to create a food base.
Currently, 5,500 tons of hay and silage have been collected.
It is planned to employ 50 people in the livestock complex of "Bukhara Agrocluster Chorva" LLC. The project is scheduled for implementation in the first quarter of 2021.
on the implementation of the textile project

As part of the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 14, 2019 No. 500 "On measures to create a modern agricultural cluster in the Bukhara region", LLC "Bukhara Agrocluster" is working to organize a textile complex. The consulting company Jersey International (Switzerland) participated in the development and implementation of the textile complex project.
For reference: Jersey is a consulting company founded in 1929 in Switzerland. The company has extensive experience in planning and implementing complex textile projects around the world. Jerzy's clients are global and regional institutions and private companies. In the past, the company has completed more than 10,000 projects in 80 countries around the world. Jersey assists with project implementation in setting goals, planning and executing vertically integrated projects. For the Amir Textile project, the company prepares reports on the marketing and development strategy of the enterprise, feasibility studies, selects technological and engineering equipment, prepares reports on the price examination of purchased materials, prepares project documentation and construction drawings.
The total contract value for the full cycle of the Amir Textile project, which is vertically merged with Jerzy, is 270,000 euros (spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, sewing). The cost of services for the implementation of the first stage (spinning) is 170 thousand euros.
on the implementation of a pilot project for the implementation of an automated system for cadastral valuation of lands of LLC "Bukhara Agrocluster" in the Bukhara region.

During the visit of the delegation of the Bukhara region to the Russian Federation (the Republic of Tatarstan, the Leningrad and Vladimir regions) in February 2020, issues of interaction in approbation of information systems and the experience of LenKadEvaluation in determining the cadastral value of real estate were discussed. in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the example.
On March 17, 2020, LLC "Bukhara Agroklaster" received a letter No. 160-I-20 from the state budgetary institution "LenKadOtsenka" of the Leningrad region about its readiness to cooperate with LLC "Bukhara Agroklaster" in testing the state cadastral valuation system.
On March 24, 2020, letters No. 06-329 to the state budgetary institution "Lenkadastr Otsenka" and No. 06-330 to the governor of Bukhara region were sent to the governor of Bukhara region with a request to agree on the inclusion of "LLC "Bukhara agrocluster" and Bukhara region in the list of pilots .
On March 30, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan sent letter 1 / 1208-2 on the inclusion of Bukhara Agrocluster LLC in the list of project participants, signed by the governor of Bukhara region.
Employees of "Bukhara Agrocluster" LLC