In occupational safety classes
Direction: protection of social rights of employees, employment, rehabilitation, assistance in the development of municipal and housing provision.
Location: Bukhara region, Bukhara city.
Number of primary organizations: 21
Number of employees: 6 people.
Number of union members: 2 478 people.
In occupational safety classes
Summer health improvement for children
Awarding of advanced collectors
Members of the labor collective on vacation
Organization of assistance to those in need
Event for awarding the winners of the competition
The labor collective at the event
United Branch Trade Union
“Bukhara Agroсluster” LLC - United Branch Trade Union
Address: Bukhara region, Bukhara city, I.Karimov Street, house 24.
Phone: +998 98-7079740, 90-7109740, 94-5451770
Director: Bakhtiyor Khaitovich Navruzov